
  • head pose of primates

    Using Keyframe Selection to Improve Detection of Primate Faces in Videos

    Poses of primates in video frames and their image quality are determined through image processing and machine learning. Frames with the highest quality and best pose are selected for further processing. Recognition of individuals was vastly improved.

    Abstract (PDF)

    I worked on this topic for my master's thesis to improve the detection rate of the SAISBECO project: Semi-Automated Audiovisual Species and Individual Identification System for Behavioral Ecological Research and Conservation.

    Head pose estimation Image quality estimation Machine learning MATLAB C++ Python

  • stacksnippet


    A search engine for code snippets on Stack Overflow, built with AngularJS.

    stacksnippet aims to combine the preciseness of Google Search with Stack Overflow's vast reservoir of helpful code snippets -- all clutter removed. It gives a quick overview over code snippets for a search term, with the full answers at your fingertips

    AngularJS JavaScript StackExchange API CSS
  • Pleonasm


    Create English phrases from hex numbers that are easier to recognize and remember.

    Python NLP Word frequency Google Ngram JavaScript
  • Movie Tint

    Movie Tint

    Exploring the colors of moving pictures.

    I'm fascinated with colors in moving pictures, and started this project to visualize the colors and their change over time in films. It's quite hard to boil down all the information just one movie contains into a single image, but fun to play around with different and unique plots.

    Python Numpy OpenCV ffmpeg Image Processing
  • WMGenericCollection


    Objective-C Generics: checking type correctness at compile time for NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet.

    The language Objective-C doesn't provide generics. Heavily disputed whether they are needed in Objective-C, yet often used in comparable languages. WMGenericCollection provides generics for Objective-C through custom collection subclasses, which can be created with C Macros.

    Objective-C Python Templates Preprocessor RegEx
  • clHOG


    For my bachelor's thesis, I implemented the Histograms of Oriented Gradients algorithm highly parallel for GPUs, with OpenCL. To speed up the calculations, I developed a new algorithm for the block computation and as a result surpassed several other implementation.

    Computer Vision Image Processing Algorithms Parallelism OpenCL C++
  • TU Ilmenau

    Visual Odometry

    For an advanced seminar, I researched information on visual odometry. I was asked to rework my results into a set of slides, which were later used in the robot vision lecture at TU Ilmenau.


  • Frith on 500px


    I love taking photos on my travels, at events and of people. In June 2013 I lead a group of international students for a week in Ilmenau at a student's festival, teching, learning and taking lots of photos. You can find a few of my photos on 500px.

  • Wieland on photocase


    Since 2008 I've been selling a couple of photos on this friendly and creative German platform: Wieland on Photocase

Online presence

  • w-m on GitHub

    w-m on GitHub

    My private projects are hosted on GitHub, and I occasionally provide patches and bug fixes to Python repositories.
  • w-m on Stack Overflow

    w-m on Stack Overflow

    I love and often make use of the wealth and depth of information provided by Stack Overflow. From time to time you might find me answering questions on Objective-C, OpenCL or Python.

  • Wieland Morgenstern on LinkedIn

    Wieland Morgenstern on LinkedIn

    Feel free to get in touch with me on on LinkedIn
